Sunday, March 11, 2012

Days 65 - 71

Day 71: Today was my first inline hockey tournament with my 8U Avalanche team. We played 4 games for a second place win and a SILVER MEDAL! The first medal I've ever won!

Day 70: Another puck in another color!

Day 69: Another special puck called a Green Biscuit used mainly to practice stick handling!

Day 68: Here is a pic of something my dad bought to help improve our shots at the goalie. It hooks to the front of our net and helps us aim the puck between the goalie's legs and in the upper/lower corners for a score.

Day 67: Here is one of our many pucks we use to practice inline hockey!

Day 66: My mom and I had to hang out at a nearby college while my older brother took his TCAP test. I had some spare change in my pocket and my mom let me spend it on some Life Savers from the vending machine! I was so excited I had enough money in my pocket to buy them!

Day 65: My dad taking his picture-of-the-day of me taking my picture-of-the-day!

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